Headwalls in attenuation ponds

Balancing ponds or attenuation ponds are a vital flood prevention method. You will often see these attenuation ponds complete with headwalls, on new construction projects such as housing estates, new roadways etc. The purpose of them is during heavy or prolonged wet weather the drainage system on new construction projects can be overwhelmed due to the sheer amount of excess water being discharged. The attenuation pond is designed to control the amount of excess water entering the drainage system to reduce the likelihood of flooding.

The headwalls in the photos we have factory fitted one with a close coupled grating and the other with a penstock which can control and isolate water, cranked grating over the valve and 3 sided kee klamp for fall protection.

For more information on our precast concrete headwalls please visit the headwalls section of our website, call our sales team on 01603 488700 or email sales@althon.co.uk